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How To Get Out of Social Media Overwhelm

5 Tips For Effective Social Media Management [Updated 4.28.24] With Generative AI making a massive impact on social media marketers today, it takes even more effort to stay on top of all the changes and master your social media management. Meta is absolutely blazing a trail with artificial intelligence with the recent announcement of…

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How To Easily Create Facebook Reels on Desktop

create facebook reels and other short form video on desktop

Facebook and Instagram’s parent company, Meta Platforms, is ALL IN on REELS! “Reels is now Meta’s fastest growing content format by far,” says Meta CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. And, of course short-form video is wildly popular on other social platforms as well (uh, TikTok! And, YouTube Shorts!). Reels are up to 30 seconds on Facebook and…

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INBOUND19 Top Ten Highest Impact Influencers and Contributors


Last week, 26,000 marketers, agencies, salespeople and business owners from around the globe gathered in Boston, MA for top marketing automation company HubSpot’s annual mega conference, INBOUND. For the third year in a row, yours truly was the #1 highest impact and highest economic value influencer on Twitter. I reeeeeeeaaally dislike ‘tooting my own horn,’…

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The Magic of 10K Instagram Followers – A No-Gimmicks Approach

magic of 10,000 instagram followers

Magic happens when you get to 10k followers on Instagram.  People take you seriously and recognize your expertise. Instagram unlocks special features for your account and paid opportunities are within your grasp. But… Only 10.9 percent of Instagram accounts ever get to the magic 10k number! Anytime something is valuable, spammers, fakers, and quick-money-makers will…

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How Companies are Succeeding with Video on Facebook – #CMWorld Session


I just had the great pleasure of leading a Facebook video marketing best practices session at my longtime friend, Joe Pulizzi’s annual conference, Content Marketing World in Cleveland, Ohio. This powerful event features many of the brightest brains in marketing, and offers plenty opportunity to connect with influencers. My popular session, “Social Video: How Companies are Succeeding with Videos on Facebook,” was…

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New Image, Video and Web Tools: Adobe Spark Helps You Create Stunning Visual Content

You know how critically important visual content is to your social media marketing plans. What if there was a place on the web, with seamless mobile integration, where you could create stunning visual content? Adobe Spark’s new “three-in-one desktop dashboard,” and three companion mobile apps, allow you to turn your ideas into compelling social graphics, animated…

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