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The New Relationship Marketing: How To Build A Large, Loyal, Profitable Network Using The Social Web

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Watch Mari's book trailer below - sharing her personal journey:

The New Relationship Marketing - description from the flap:

People have always done business with people they know, like, and trust. That's the essence of “relationship marketing.” But now, the popularity of online social networking has shifted our methods of connecting with consumers, stakeholders, and potential partners. And businesses that master both new and traditional ways of nurturing customer relationships are winning the largest slice of market share.

In The New Relationship Marketing, passionate social marketing leader Mari Smith outlines a proven nine-step program for building a sizable, loyal network comprised of quality relationships that garner leads, publicity, sales, and more. The pressure is on to shift your approach to using social media marketing, to better understand the new soft skills required for success on the social web, and to improve your own leadership and relationship skills through emotional and social intelligence. The New Relationship Marketing offers proven tactics to develop and hone a solid marketing skill set for the digital age. This book:

  • Outlines how to become a significant "center of influence" for your customers and prospects
  • Explains the unspoken rules of online etiquette—and the common turnoffs that drive customers and potential partners away
  • Details the unique culture of Facebook, Twitter, and other popular online platforms
  • Shows exactly what to automate and delegate to build your social media persona, yet still retain the personal touch

We’ve heard it said again and again: Relationships are the “new currency.” With Mari Smith’s expert guidance, you’ll get a step-by-step plan for cashing in and achieving measurable results in no time.

Foreword by Guy Kawasaki

You may prefer to order your copy of The New Relationship Marketing (non-autographed) directly from online retailers, or anywhere books are sold! &
Barnes & Noble BooksAMillion

Also available in Amazon Kindle version for your Kindle and/or iPad! Plus, Nook/ebook version for your eReader.


Click here to read a sample chapter for free! (PDF file)


Jay Baer interviews Mari Smith for!

See the video interview below and read the entire transcript on Jay's blog at Caring, Consistency, and the New Relationship Marketing - be sure to leave Jay a comment!

Real-Tech Guy Radio

A fun and lively interview by Jonathan Rivera!

Click here to listen to this show.

The April Cline Radio Show

April interviewed Mari and asked many great, provocative questions! Listen here or below:

Listen to internet radio with The April Cline Radio Show on Blog Talk Radio

The Networking Queen Radio Show

Denai Vaughn interviewed Mari about relationship marketing and spiritual practices. Listen here or below:

Listen to internet radio with TheNetworkingQueen on Blog Talk Radio


The New Relationship Marketing - by Mari Smith


Other books by Mari:

Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day - Second Edition – coauthored with Chris Treadaway

Revised and updated version!

  • Get your copy of the book online or anywhere books are sold:

If you'd like to order an autographed copy, please click the appropriate link below to order:

Other books Mari has contributed to:

Contributing author to Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions – by Guy Kawasaki.

Contributing author to Success Secrets of Social Media Marketing Superstars – collaborative book with Mitch Meyerson.

Contributing author to 201 Great Ideas for Your Small Business – by Jane Applegate.

Contributing author to How To Sell When Nobody’s Buying (And How to Sell Even More When They Are) – by Dave Lakhani.

Contributing author to Emerging Trends Every Online Entrepreneur Should Know – by Sheri McConnell.

Collaborative author of The Relationship Age - with 25 other experts.


  1. Cathy Paper on September 25, 2013 at 10:18 pm

    If you haven’t read Mari’s book or implemented any of her advice, you are missing out. She rocks! She shares so much knowledge and is so positive it’s awesome. The accent rocks too!

  2. sachin on August 19, 2013 at 5:03 am


  3. Zhen on June 4, 2013 at 11:48 am

    Hi Mari! i signed up for your free webinar. I was waiting for the link to redirect me toyour webinar and yet i haven’t receive it till now. 🙁

  4. Candy on May 9, 2012 at 7:33 am

    Mari I am trying to enter my page in your contest but it keeps bringing up my personal pics , how can I correct this.Candy

  5. Karin Sebelin on April 16, 2012 at 2:35 am

    Your book is outstanding, Mari :)) like it so much! Thank you for your wonderful work and thank you for the special gift (pen) ! 

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