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How To Get Out of Social Media Overwhelm

5 Tips For Effective Social Media Management [Updated 4.28.24] With Generative AI making a massive impact on social media marketers today, it takes even more effort to stay on top of all the changes and master your social media management. Meta is absolutely blazing a trail with artificial intelligence with the recent announcement of…

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Top Facebook Marketing Resources – Compiled in Storify

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Thanks to Mashable and Robert Scoble, I recently discovered the brilliant new platform, Storify which just came out of private beta. If you often spend many long hours searching through all the different social platforms and setting up ancillary tools just to get the exact information you want… only to find there isn’t really a…

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Facebook Fan Page Notifications With Hyper Alerts Free App!

Hyper Alerts Signup Page

Often when businesses set up a Facebook fan page they don’t necessarily have the time to monitor the page regularly for fan activity. Notifications of fan posts and comments would be ideal for so many small businesses and/or new fan page owners. Fan page notifications have been sorely missing on Facebook. (I always figured it…

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