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How To Sell When Nobody’s Buying – New Book Out Today!

image Today is a BIG day: a seven feet tall day! My giant friend, Dave Lakhani, releases his book How To Sell When Nobody’s Buying (And How To Sell Even More When They Are).

This book is a powerful step-by-step guide to generating significantly more sales using many proven techniques, along with tapping into the power of social media, how to be seen to sell, and how to build lasting, prosperous relationships!

davelakhaniI am thrilled and honored to be one of only four contributing authors. My chapter is called, How To Effectively Use Facebook To Find Your Ideal Work, Build Your Brand, and Increase Your Sales.

Hop over to Dave’s book site now and be sure to first order your copy of this awesome new book today. And then enter your name, email address and receipt number on Dave’s amazing bonuses page for lots of free goodies and plenty chances to win BIG!

Today, Dave will be randomly choosing winners each hour to receive free cameras, iPods, products, and private consultations. Plus, three peeps will win Dave’s $10k Grand Prize of a one day in person consultation to transform your business. Whew, that rocks! As the saying goes, you have to be IN to WIN!

As my own special bonus gift, here’s another super-duper special opportunity for you: a chance to WIN a scholarship to attend my Fast Track to Social Marketing Mastery program! (Worth $5k).

It’s an intense six-week program, very limited in size, typically only available via invitation. (See a quick overview of Social Marketing Mastery here). The next program is coming up fast on June 11th. We meet for six consecutive weeks via my private webinar room, plus one-on-one time with me to help you get big and go viral using social media!

Here’s how to enter:

It’s real simple; just write a comment here on this blog post (or in the comments section below if you’re reading this inside Facebook) telling me these THREE things:

  1. Where you’re feeling stuck with Facebook/Twitter/social media.
  2. How you think your business would benefit most from a rapid immersion in high-level social marketing training.
  3. Why I should pick you as the winner of this scholarship.

That’s it! I’ll choose a winner by midnight tonight (June 9th) and will contact you via email. (I will be verifying with Dave that you got a copy of his book!)

NOTE: if you wish your comment/entry to remain private, please include the words “don’t publish” and I will read your comment offline and it won’t be published. (Of course, this only applies on my blog, not on Facebook).

Good luck!! Now, STEP #1: go get your copy of How To Sell When Nobody’s Buying FIRST! 😉

Mari Smith

Often referred to as “the Queen of Facebook,” Mari Smith is widely known as the Premier Facebook Marketing Expert and a top Social Media Thought Leader. Forbes describes Mari as, “… the preeminent Facebook expert. Even Facebook asks for her help.” IBM named Mari as one of seven women that are shaping digital marketing. Mari is an in-demand keynote speaker, corporate social media strategist, dynamic live webcast host, and popular brand ambassador. She is coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day, and author of The New Relationship Marketing.

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  1. Graham White on June 10, 2009 at 5:36 am

    1. Where you’re feeling stuck with Facebook/Twitter/social media.

    I’m wondering about how much personal life details vs. how much high value content and recommendations. I’m working hard to make sure even my personal life details relate in a beneficial way to people who are following me.

    2. How you think your business would benefit most from a rapid immersion in high-level social marketing training.

    How do I operate in a way that communicates the value I have to offer with my peeps so that they’re inspired to multiply the benefit by sharing it with their lists?

    3. Why I should pick you as the winner of this scholarship.

    Mari, you know that I have something very special to offer. My gift is to look at the spirit of people and help them clearly identify the real value they’re here to contribute.

    Social Media is so incredible for who I am and how I think and connect. I want to create a strategy that has 100,000 followers in a year – not so that I can make a bunch of money, but because I feel a strong conviction that I have unique ways of interpreting and sharing information that a big population can benefit from.

    I am at a point in my life where I am truly inspired to grow into and manifest the full extent of the gifts I’ve been given and see social media as the ideal vehicle to do it.

    I’m not here to gain prestige or fill the ethersphere with rehashed quotes, tips or get rich ideas. My role is connect with as many highly gifted individuals as possible and demand that they fulfill their potential so that others can benefit – I just need to get in front of them and I believe I can do that convincingly.

    Help me change the world by bringing more big players up to their potential Mari!


  2. Robin Hardy on June 9, 2009 at 9:22 pm

    Where you’re feeling stuck with Facebook/Twitter/social media.

    I am stuck with the what to place on each site, seems FB is working better for me and Twitter is flopping

    How you think your business would benefit most from a rapid immersion in high-level social marketing training.

    I would be able to generate a more consistant cash flow and new clients if I could grasp the whole picture

    Why I should pick you as the winner of this scholarship.

    Because I can send you more people! With my Business Building program I can refer them to you to build the social platform. When I refer clients to things I do or have used it is almost a guaranteed sale for you. So by picking me I can repay you with more peeps! I love talking about great tools & products…

  3. Ryan Cameron on June 10, 2009 at 2:53 am

    Hi Mari,

    I feel stuck with social media applications like Facebook and Twitter in being able to connect them with sales. At the moment I’ve been writing blog posts with affiliate links, then using the social media to drive traffic to those blog posts but not seeing much in the way of connections to sales.

    I think my business would benefit greatly from an intensive immersion training in high level social media marketing training because I do see the value in the social media applications in creating an avenue for communication as well as building a sense of trust with the audience who opt in to follow in those social media formats. Learning how to better apply the social media applications would be beneficial in not only being able to reach a receptive audience, but also learning how to better serve that audience with the information they want and desire.

    I think I would be an ideal candidate for your scholarship program because I know the value of client testimonials, I would be willing to provide detailed testimonials for your program outlining the success I’ve achieved using the information you’ve taught. Also being a fellow San Diego based Canadian and perhaps I could help produce some audio materials for you. One of my hobbies is I dabble in sound engineering and I would love to assist you with producing marketable audio programs as a trade for the education.

    I’m a real can-do kind of guy who’s usually able to keep the ball running once I’m shown how to get that ball going towards the goal line. I would also be very grateful for the opportunity to learn from you.

    Thanks so much,

    Ryan Cameron

    Ryan Camerons last blog post..Dame Edna As Vicious As Ever At San Diego’s Civic Theatre

  4. Lisa Rothstein on June 10, 2009 at 2:43 am

    D’OH! I put the @ sign in the Twitter ID field. Here it is w/o

  5. Michelle Rodulfo on June 9, 2009 at 7:17 pm

    1. Definitely feeling stuck in facebook. Still not sure about creating my fan page – SMU guru said no need, just work on my personal profile. Not sure if this is the right way to go as a Network Marketer. Also stuck with privacy settings – I want to have the edge over others in our company and not have them follow me wherever I go! Is this possible with Facebook ….so there….I’m stuck on numerous fronts…Whew!:)
    2. I’m enrolled in SMU with Self Growth and the classes have been a big help. I have had some difficulty keeping up and trying all of the great and wonderful new tricks. So far, I’ve been tweeting, made a landing page, submitted 2 articles to Ezine.articles, 1 of which has been published,(the other one I submitted today) joined Linkedin and joined 3 groups, joined facebook and today I am looking at some of the social bookmarking sites. Gee that’s a ton of stuff… getting tired just repeating it all! I am confident that immersion is what I really need at this point to put all the pieces in place and to help me focus on the areas that are particularly suited to my business – network marketing in the Health and Wellness field.
    3. Pick me!! Pick me!!! I’m going to share everything I learn with my downline…..for free. I want lots of mini-me’s running around…..Give, give, give…….

  6. Charlie Conard on June 9, 2009 at 7:11 pm

    Hi Mari,

    Thank you for this opportunity to apply for a scholarship for your training program. Below are my answers to your application questions:

    1-I feel stuck with social media because it’s difficult to keep track of all that is happening (so quickly) and identify best practices that will make a difference for me and my business. Social media is very layered and complicated at first glance. You need to peel back the onion and work layer by layer to build a successful message and brand. I want to know how to do that effectively, which is why your comprehensive training program is exciting to me.

    2-My business would greatly benefit from your training, because I have the time to focus on social marketing to establish my personal brand to attract a new employer or establish a consulting business. I am recently and suddenly unemployed and actively adding social media marketing skills through SMSS09. To put my studies to work, I have lined up a couture jewelry designer and a NY State Assemblywoman, both of whom I will be preparing a social media strategy for. Your training will help me create a strong foundation for success in social media marketing for both my clients and myself.

    3-Mari, you should pick me as the winner of this scholarship because I am committed to my clients’ marketing success. In my career, I have built long-term relationships with my clients, which has served me well, often in unexpected, wonderful ways. Social media marketing is new way to reach out, maintain, and extend those relationships, as well as grow new ones. I ‘d like the opportunity to immediately put your strategies to use with my starter clients, so I can one day be added to the list of testimonial success stories on your web site.

    Please don’t publish the entire comment/application on your blog. I’d welcome a shorter version posted.

    Thanks again,


  7. Cindy Ratzlaff on June 9, 2009 at 7:09 pm

    Hi Mari, I’d love to enter to win the Social Media Mastery training.

    1. I’m stuck taking my wordpress blog from the wordpress site to a website of my own. I own a domain name, but am stumped about creating my website, which I’d like to house my blog.
    2. I aspire to take my business knowledge on the road as a speaker and I believe social media can help me rapidly grow my base network.
    3. I’m already heavily invested in rapidly learning new soical media tools via your Mentor with Mari program and become a “firestarter” in this world.

    Cindy Ratzlaffs last blog post..As the Masses Become 300 Million Individuals Publishers Scramble

  8. Lauren Kates on June 10, 2009 at 2:07 am

    1 – I’m feeling stuck in how to get followers on these social media sites.

    2 – My business would benefit immediately from this training because we are an ice cream truck company that is wanting to communicate to our customers when & where we’ll be .. create excitement & buzz!

    3 – I represent a very good “before training in Mari’s Workshop” client and would be a very good testimonial for “after training in Mari’s Workshop.” I have an old-school media marketing background .. am very hungry to learn new ways of making social sites work for me & with me .. and not to seem overly dramatic, but the success of my business depends on this information that you are providing and I would be honored, greatful & deliciously excited if chosen to receive this scholarship.

    Thanks for your consideration, Mari!

  9. Amy M. Charland on June 10, 2009 at 1:46 am

    Just ordered the book a couple of minutes ago and can’t wait to get it in the mail! Thanks for sharing your wisdom Dave and Mari 🙂

  10. Bill Jackson on June 10, 2009 at 1:06 am

    Hello Mari:

    I just purchased the book and am looking forwarding to adding it to my learning! I know which chapter will be one of my favourites already:)

    1.Where you’re feeling stuck with Facebook/Twitter/social media.
    – so much to learn and what to implement first…

    2.How you think your business would benefit most from a rapid immersion in high-level social marketing training.
    – no local competition is utilizing social media to any great extent as of yet…

    3.Why I should pick you as the winner of this scholarship.
    – I need all the help I can get…



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