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  1. Lisa Spector on July 27, 2009 at 2:12 am

    Mari – This was very deeply moving to read, especially because you wrote it out of your desire to step into more of who you really are as an authentic being. You are so inspiring! I notice that I am making different decisions in my life (seemingly small ones at the time, but not really) as I really see myself as a “brandividual” (a term I learned from you) and know that everything I do in my life is transparent. I wish you all the best in your new life you have stepped into.

  2. Authentic Change Coach, Iyabo Asani on July 27, 2009 at 1:51 am

    Mari, thank you for sharing this.

    I came into this Internet world less than two years ago and I find that many marketers put their best foot forward and want us to believe all kinds of wonderful things about them which are probably all true. However, there is a ying to every yang and I find it hard to know people when you only see one side of them whether they are online or not.

    Thank you for this. I appreciate you.

    Holding you in a space of love and serenity.


    Iyabo Asani

  3. Gina Parris on July 27, 2009 at 1:49 am

    Oh Mari,
    God bless you through this time. The end of a marriage is always a heartbreaking thing to me, but your post will manage to bring grace to a lot of people who know that they are in an impossible union. Thanks for sharing how to be authentic in the uncomfortable times.

  4. Bret Rowe on July 27, 2009 at 1:45 am

    Hey Mari,
    Class and grace go a long way in this world. I appreciate you relaying the story because it humanizes this thing we call social media.

    To new doors opening.


  5. Suzie Cheel on July 27, 2009 at 1:42 am

    Wow Mari,

    Thank you for sharing and because I have met you both I initially felt sad, I suppose I had imagined that Des and I would meet up with both you and Ty again when we again ventured to USA. I wish you both peace and joy. I now understand more fully a comment you left for me on twitter this week.

    I love what you have shared here:

    “My hope for you in reading this post is to feel inspired to live into YOUR deepest truth more fully. To know how powerful beyond measure you are and to step up and play a bigger game in life and business. The world needs you!”

    You so inspire me to step up and play that bigger game, yes the world does need me, as it does you and all that you be.

    In Love and light


  6. Debra Marrs on July 27, 2009 at 1:31 am

    Mari, you are so special to entrust your friends, colleagues and followers with your deepest truths. We all already know you as a model and inspiration. There’s no shame in acknowledging your path as separate from Ty’s and that because of your choices, you both can now be free to be who you’ve been meant to be all along. I believe you two were together to bring out the best in one another, and now may you both continue to shine in your true unique ways. Blessings to you both.

  7. Alice on July 27, 2009 at 5:06 am

    Hi Mari,
    Take heart – sounds like you’ve made great decisions with grace, style, and compassion. Only good can come from this situation, as Louise Hay says!

    Marriage is meant for happiness and mutual growth – if it’s no longer good for you, then moving on is definitely in both partners’ best interest. Letting go allows you both to move on and find love, fulfillment and happiness again.
    Thanks for you leadership, once again!

    If you’re looking for guidance on where to go next, I can recommend Jannine Oberg at She uses astrology, EFT, IMAGO, mediation and counseling skills in addition to her natural gift as an intuitive and healer to help guide couples and individuals with life’s transitions, uncovering hidden resources and influences you may not have known existed before. There are new opportunities for all of us in these times!

    Thanks for sharing your personal journey – I’m sure many people will find guidance here!

  8. Mari Smith on July 27, 2009 at 3:56 am

    I am so deeply grateful for your kind comments. My heart is very full knowing how much love and support I have in my community. It took me many weeks to build up the courage to get this post “just right.” It was important to me to share as an inspiration to others, and not at all from victim or blame. I’m not that kind of person anyway, but sometimes underlying negative feelings can leak through in communication. I actually had five close personal friends read my draft and provide feedback before feeling ready to publish!!

    I’m heartened by the comments on Twitter and Facebook too.

    Thank you for being YOU!!: )

  9. Dinneen - Eat Without Guilt™ on July 27, 2009 at 3:34 am

    What a heat-warming post. Though one could see it as sad, I don’t see it that way. You’re becoming more of the woman you were meant to be and I love how you say you are “stepping more fully into my inner power, strength and light”…that is beautiful!

    And the words of Marianne Williamson I’ve read before, but really touched me reading it again tonight. Especially that first verse:

    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
    Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
    It is our light, not our darkness
    that most frightens us.”

    Makes me think I’m often afraid…not that I’m not good enough, but that my light could shine so brightly I’d get a sunburn. But I don’t need to worry about a sunburn….my light will shine just enough on so many others just enough to let them shine….and my light will inspire & transpire them to live a better and more fulfilling life. THAT is what I need to remember.

    That, and your entire post, has made me think more about who *I* really want to be, and what is my inner power, strength and light. For that, I thank you 🙂

  10. Linda on July 27, 2009 at 2:18 am


    I also have been through the pain of divorce, and I can only imagine what it must be like for a person in your position to have felt compelled to share such a private and painful part of your life’s journey.

    I am most inspired by the last part of your post..and I quote “…feel inspired to live into YOUR deepest truth more fully. To know how powerful beyond measure you are and to step up and play a bigger game in life and business. The world needs you!”

    You are so authentic and giving in all that you do in sharing yourself with the world.

    I don’t even know you, but I respect you beyond measure, and I wish you all the best!


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