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An Open Letter To My Friends, Fans, Followers: A Mini-Break To Unplug

women_handshake I wanted to give you a glimpse behind the curtains of my business. First, I have to say I feel extremely blessed to be so supported in my community. I’m deeply grateful for all the amazing connections I’ve made over the past two years through Facebook and Twitter.

My business is absolutely exploding through the roof these days. I have a competent team of assistants and project managers. I’m in two powerful masterminds. I have mentors, advisors and role models. Plus, I recently hired a systems expert to help streamline all my processes this year.

And, some time ago, I had the idea to start an international association for social media specialists and to offer certification training programs for both coaches / consultants / marketers and for virtual assistants. I kept waiting for my ducks to be in a row, for everything to be perfect. But that day never comes. As a recovering perfectionist, I figured it was time to take imperfect action.

So, I recently quietly opened up – my new protege program to certify social marketing specialists. The response has been astounding. Truly astounding.

I’m also about to embark on an intense two month speaking tour in the US and UK. I am so honored to speak on the stages of such accomplished leaders as Fabienne Fredrickson, Adam Urbanski, James Malinchak, Bernadette Doyle (in Belfast, Ireland!), Terry Wygal, Mike Lathigee, and more in the fall – Arielle Ford, Bill Glazer, Dan Kennedy and more. [See my public calendar of events here.]

cruise(I should also mention part of my two months on the road includes a wonderful five-day cruise to Mexico with my Mastermind partners!)

[Update from Mari: due to my calendar of events and speaking schedule being uber squeezed, I made the bittersweet decision not to go on the mastermind cruise. I need this one week to laser focus on all the moving parts of my business, my team, and my new systems. I may take my whole team on a cruise in the fall, then!!]

Meantime, for many months, I had this week blocked off for a special retreat for myself, my team and my systems specialist to laser focus on tightening up all my company processes.

So, in order to truly focus, I’m also going to “go dark” on Twitter and Facebook. This will be a first for me in about two years.

unplug[Update from Mari: Ha! Now I see where the misunderstanding came from – many people have been saying to me, “Mari, I thought you were retiring for two years?!” Um, what I mean was I’ve never once unplugged from Twitter or Facebook in the past two years!! And it was only ONE week that I was unplugging. I lasted a whole 72 hours, you know!]

I have to say, I have a sense of discomfort about unplugging! It’ll be an interesting experiment. But a very worthy and important one.

email_overwhelm2See, it really troubles me when an important email goes unanswered or direct messages are missed because I simply don’t have enough hours in the day to personally respond to all (even though one of my assistants spends four hours a day reading, managing and replying to much of my email for me).

It bothers me when I’m unable to reply to all @ messages that so many of my wonderful followers on Twitter send to me, or when I’m unable to reply to each friend who emails me on Facebook or writes on my wall… because there are just not enough hours in the day.

Such is the nature of social media. Suddenly, we open ourselves up to a multitude of touch points. There is a new expectation of availability. I love to engage and connect and I know you do too. Yet, where do you draw the line between being available and making sure you have enough focus time and personal time?

In any case, just know that if you’ve ever tried to contact me for any reason through any medium – whether Twitter, Facebook, regular email, Skype or phone – and I have not gotten back to you in a timely manner, it’s not personal. There’s a good chance I’ve read your message but it’s been very late at night or I’m rushing to a commitment so haven’t been able to reply.

peace_quietOver the coming weeks and months, my systems will be so much more robust that I’ll be able to provide even better service to both my clients and community at large.

I’m happy to share with you what new systems I put in place over the coming weeks as a result of my retreat.

How about you? What do you find most overwhelming about managing a growing business? Are your follow-up systems solid? Where do you most need support? Though social media may have increased your business, have you still been able to maintain plenty time for your personal life? I’d love to know! Please share below:

Mari Smith

Often referred to as “the Queen of Facebook,” Mari Smith is widely known as the Premier Facebook Marketing Expert and a top Social Media Thought Leader. Forbes describes Mari as, “… the preeminent Facebook expert. Even Facebook asks for her help.” IBM named Mari as one of seven women that are shaping digital marketing. Mari is an in-demand keynote speaker, corporate social media strategist, dynamic live webcast host, and popular brand ambassador. She is coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day, and author of The New Relationship Marketing.

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  1. Jim Turner on April 6, 2009 at 3:23 pm

    Mari… you’re doing the right thing. Stephen Covey speaks of “sharpening the saw.” At some point you have to do that so that you remain on top of your game. You have built such a credible business and people have to rely upon you.

    BUT, you the personable Mari Smith canNOT respond personally to every single request made of you. Incredible as you may be, it can’t be done. So, the people will have to expect a different level of involvement with you than in the past. Your next steps will help establish that expectation and allow you to take your business to even greater heights.

    Enjoy your “time away” and really sharpen that saw.

    Cheers & Blessings.
    ~Jim Turner

  2. Becky Cortino on April 6, 2009 at 3:23 pm


    You have been such an illuminating force (I use that word for all meaning implied) in Social Networking/Media!

    Countless many have learned and benefitted from your shared and show of expertise. Success brings with it so much more than what at first might seem apparent, ever anticipated in the quest, or through the process. I think ‘answers’ vary as much as individuals, scope and scale of their businesses.

    Thank you for all you have done! To everything there is a season, and this is your time to do these things… Thank you for your update — look forward to our paths crossing again, Mari.

    I wish for you only — all-ways the best!

  3. Deontée Gordon on April 6, 2009 at 3:21 pm

    Mari, I’ve enjoyed interacting with you over the past few months. Although we haven’t so much as had a telephone chat, your warm and inviting spirit was more than enough to make for an easy connection. Enjoy the “unplugging” experiment. I’m sure you’ll come back feeling renewed and reinvigorated. I’ll be wishing you the best in your personal and professional lives.


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  4. Darlene Willman on April 6, 2009 at 3:03 pm

    Hi Mari,

    I can relate to what you’ve written, I love networking whether online or in person. However, there are times that I feel I’ve tipped the scales too much and forget what matters most! I look forward to learning more about your new systems.

  5. Lisa Almeida on April 6, 2009 at 1:31 pm

    Good for you for unplugging to recharge – as scary as it is. I’m a firm believer in taking care of yourself first so you’ll have the best of you to give to others.

    Managing my growing business is like trying to dress a squirmy infant. (It was a long time ago, but some things remain fresh in your mind.) The constant change and evolution make it tough to get a firm hold of things at times. As you say, just when you think you’ve got those ducks nearly lined up, some delicious bread crumbs catch their attention and their off course again!

    It’s challenging but at the same time exhilarating and I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else!

    Enjoy your re-treat, Mari so you’ll be ready to re-tweet soon 🙂

  6. Dave Navarro on April 6, 2009 at 3:59 pm

    Glad to hear you’re unplugging rather than overextending yourself, Mari. Here’s to keeping focused and looking forward to having you back when you return 🙂

  7. Lisa Nirell on April 6, 2009 at 3:52 pm

    Mari, Great posting today.
    I dedicate one of my book chapters to the art of saying NO.
    This is a huge challenge for owners of growth companies.
    I applaud you for addressing it now.
    You pave the way for people who are seeking excuses to stay addicted to work and social media.

    Way to go!
    Lisa Nirell

  8. Harold on April 6, 2009 at 3:36 pm

    The internet is like a flood, the browser is like a fire hose and it takes a ruthless plan to be able to take a drink and not drown. It’s easy to pack rat links that you will probably never visit and so making a clearly defined plan is necessary. I always refine the focus, take breaks and “try” to work more on implementation rather than always seeking new input. We are all time deprived and as such priorities are more important than ever.

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  9. Christina Hills on April 6, 2009 at 3:22 pm

    Way to go Mari on unplugging!

    It’s a hard thing for me to do as well!
    But getting the systems in place to make it possible is Key.

    Enjoy your time off. You deserve it

    -Christina Hills
    Shopping Cart Queen

  10. Karmen Reed on April 6, 2009 at 3:12 pm

    Growing pains are most welcome pains! Especially if you consider pain to be just the weakness leaving the body! So there you go! You are taking amazing brave actions and it’s so wonderful to see your true passion and enthusiasm every step of the way. I am so honored to be in your Mentor With Mari program and just hope that some of your greatness rubs off! You rock Mari Smith! 🙂

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