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How To Double Your Twitter Followers In 5 Minutes A Day: The Social Scoop Issue 135

Proactively growing your Twitter follower base has so many strategic advantages for your business. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen over time with the right steps.

This week’s top article includes an awesome infographic filled with practical, actionable tips for building your audience on Twitter. Check out the infographic embedded below and also broken down with specific tips for each step on AgoraPulse’s blog.

Btw, I love that the most frequently used word in Twitter profiles is LOVE!

Double Your Twitter Followers in Just Five Minutes a Day - Via Who Is Hosting This: The Blog


The blog version of this week’s edition of THE SOCIAL SCOOP weekly newsletter follows below! If you’re already subscribed, you’ll continue to receive The Social Scoop via email on Fridays. If you’re not yet signed up and would like to be, please enter your name and email in the box to the right (desktop) or below the post (mobile). Thank you!

Mari’s Top Social Media Picks – February 6, 2015
Issue #135


We hope you enjoy this week’s top three articles picked for you! Click the headlines to go to each article.

1. Grow Your Twitter Follower Base in Just 5 Minutes a Day


Granted, a few suggestions may take you a wee bit more than five minutes, however, many tips are “one and done” such as perfecting your bio and photo, and ensuring you promote your Twitter account in all the right places. Be sure to read my Facebook comment at the foot of this post for my own Twitter strategy!

2. The 3 Types of People Who Visit Your Website


Once you know what makes your prospects tick, you can persuade them to buy, says Derek Halpern. Indeed, very true. I love the psychology discussed in this post and am sure you’ll find it particularly helpful in understanding the types of people who visit your site and how to better help them take the right action.

3. 10 Elements Your Business Website Absolutely Must Have


When was the last time you gave your website a good overhaul? Use this handy 10-point list to do a nice spring-clean and ensure your potential customers get a great impression when they visit your site, whether on desktop or mobile. (It’s amazing how many websites make you hunt for #2!)

That’s all for for this week’s issue of The Social Scoop.

Here’s wishing you a beautiful weekend and a super special week ahead!

On a personal note, this weekend I’m excited to go off the grid to attend a 2.5-day small group retreat in a peaceful setting. It’s time for more JOMO – joy of missing out!! (No FOMO or FOBO for me, ha! Fear of missing out, or fear of being offline.) Well, tbh, it is still a process to get my self-talk to a place where I’m genuinely comfortable taking a stretch of time off the internet and my iPhone!



P.S. Are you coming to Social Media Marketing World in sunny San Diego, California on March 25th to 27th? I’d love to meet you there. Attend the world’s largest and most awesome social media conference LIVE and in person with 2,500 of your fellow marketers and enjoy over 100 top speakers! Click here for more details and to get your ticket. Enjoy this lovely video below for a sneak peek of what to expect:


Got comments, questions, ideas? Feel free to let us know your feedback in the comments below. I always love to hear from my peeps.

Mari Smith

Often referred to as “the Queen of Facebook,” Mari Smith is widely known as the Premier Facebook Marketing Expert and a top Social Media Thought Leader. Forbes describes Mari as, “… the preeminent Facebook expert. Even Facebook asks for her help.” IBM named Mari as one of seven women that are shaping digital marketing. Mari is an in-demand keynote speaker, corporate social media strategist, dynamic live webcast host, and popular brand ambassador. She is coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day, and author of The New Relationship Marketing.

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  1. Emeric on February 9, 2015 at 9:09 pm

    Thanks VERY MUCH for sharing our tips Mari 🙂 Just recovered from the jet lag traveling from Brazil to Paris and then Paris to California in less than 5 days, But I’m back and ready to rock Silicon Valley 😉

  2. Ben Murray on February 7, 2015 at 7:31 am

    Good collection of tips from very trusted people!

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